Monday, March 29, 2010

An Experiment in Millenial Pseudo-Social Science

Here it is.

The humble beginning.

Who knows how far this will trickle or how enmeshed in the root system of the interweb it will become.  Whatever happens, though, it's bound to be intriguing.  And hopefully thought-provoking.  At the very least entertaining? Maybe . . . ?

There are many things this blog should be:

a place for measured, thoughtful commentary;
a gathering point for friends to share ideas;
a slower-than light relevant media nexus;
a social e-pub;
an opinion column;
an exercise in academic zeitgestiness;

a sports rant;
a news source;
a cultural critique;

but the one overarching theme that I want this blog to follow is this: Utah.

Utah is unique.

Take that for what you will.  Some hate the state.  Some that hate the state even live here.  And have for a very long time.  Others delight in Utah's peculiar ways.

Regardless of those opinions, Utah is where the contributors to this blog were born and raised.  It is where we cut our teeth on practically everything--sports, religion, politics, entertainment, family, business, education, etc.

For us, Utah is home.  And, it is my belief, only those who live in and care deeply about a household can fairly critique and adequately praise it.  Instead of looking from the outside in on our state, we examine it from up close up, knowing full well that Utah, as all places, has its warts.

But it's those warts, and those beauty marks, that make Utah interesting.  And worth talking about.  And worth examining.  And, yes, worth critiquing.

...even, sometimes, worth praising.

So that is our goal.  To opine on, comment, critique, blast, celebrate, marvel at, and otherwise talk about issues--any issues--from a Utah perspective.  That's not to say that this scope will exclude stories and events of national or global import.  Rather, those events may very well be discussed, but always remembering that the authors are residents of or sympathetic ex-pats from Utah.

And so we go.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Testing.  Are you there?  If you can hear me, knock twice.